
Importing your bookmarks into Marklog

You can easily import your bookmarks into a Marklog's account using one of our supported file types.

We currently support the following file types:

Importing bookmarks with a CSV file

CSV files are one of the most common file formats to import and export data from many applications. This format is easy to generate and process, you can even export your Excel files to CSV format.

A CSV file is simply a text file containing each record in a new line, and data columns are separated by special characters, usually a comma or semicolon.

To import your bookmarks using a .csv file, you'll need to put each bookmark in a different line. And then, split every column/property by a comma.

Here's the description of every bookmark property:

  • URL (required): Valid URL, including HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
  • Title (required): Text up to 255 characters.
  • Description: Text up to 1800 characters.
  • Date: yyyy-mm-dd formatted date.
  • Tags: Collection of tags suffixed with hashtag (#tag1 #tag 2#tag_3).

Here's an example of how a row looks like:,Google,The biggest search engine,2022-08-08,#google #search engines

You can download an example HTML import file loggin to your account and navigating to Settings > Import bookmarks > CSV.

Importing bookmarks with an HTML file

When we talk about data import/export, HTML files are not the most widely used format. However, in the bookmarking space, HTML files are more common since almost all browsers export its bookmarks collections using the Netscape Bookmark File Format.

If you want to import your browser bookmarks into Marklog, head over to your browser bookmarks section and find the export button.

Once the file is exported, open it and confirm that you can see this text as the first line of the document:

<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>

Essentially, your bookmarks will be wrapped in <DT><A> tags.

You can download an example HTML import file loggin to your account and navigating to Settings > Import bookmarks > HTML.

Importing bookmarks with a JSON file

If none of the other formats fits your needs, you can also prepare a JSON file to import your bookmarks.

It's also useful to import bookmarks from other bookmarking services (e.g., Pinboard), since they export their bookmarks using this format.

Here's a description on how to format the JSON object:

  • href (required): Valid URL, including HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
  • description (required): Text up to 255 characters.
  • extended: Text up to 1800 characters.
  • time: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ formatted date.
  • tags: Collection of tags split by spaces (tag1 tag-2 tag_3).

Here's an example of how a bookmark import looks like:

  "href": "",
  "description": "Google",
  "extended": "The biggest search engine",
  "time": "2020-08-08T00:00:00Z",
  "tags": "google search-engines"

You can download an example JSON import file loggin to your account and navigating to Settings > Import bookmarks > JSON.

Using your import file to add the bookmarks into your Marklog's account

Once you have your bookmarks import file crafted, head over to Settings > Import bookmarks, select your file, hit import and your bookmarks will be added to your Marklog's account.


Having problems importing your bookmarks? Not to worry! Contact our support team at ✌️

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